Volume (l)10
Tmax vacuum (°C)900 (1.4841) / 1000 (Inconel)
Tmax atmospheric pressure (°C)900 / 1100
External H x W x D (mm)1800 x 850 x 1600
Inside:Ø x D (mm)250 x 600
Thermal values
-Delta-T between 300 and 1100°C (K) according to DIN 17052± 5
Max. heat-up rate (K/min)10
Cooling time from 1100 - 100 °C (h)18 (natural) / 2.5 (forced)
Connecting values
Power (kW)14
Weight 500kg
Vacuum (option)
Leakage rate - clean, cold and empty (mbar l/s)< 5x10-3
Vacuum range depending on the pumping unitrough, fine or high vacuum
Cooling water required
Flow (l/min)1-3
Max. inlet temperature (°C)23
Gas supply
Nitrogen or Argon flow, others on request (l/h)200-2000