Free Air Displacement, CFM (l/min)1.3 (37)
Ultimate Vacuum, torr (mbar)150 (200)
Max. Vacuum, in Hg24
Tubing Needed, I.D. in. (mm)1/4 (7)
Weight, lbs 10.2
Overall Dimensions8.8 x 5 x 8.8
Free air flow 37L/min; Maximum vacuum 24" Hg. Pump can also be used to pressurize up to 18 PSIG. Comes standard with 115V line cord and convenient power switch
Economical Model 2019 diaphragm vacuum pump is durable and chemical resistant. Use Model 2019 for vacuum filtration, desiccation, degassing, and other mid-range vacuum applications.
Recommended for operations utilizing organic / aqueous solvents and or light acid / base (e.g. acetic acid) solutions. Ideal for single funnel vacuum filtrations, SPE manifolds, or up to 6 holder manifold filtrations.